First United Methodist Church of St. Augustine



Our Nursery is open on Sunday mornings where your young ones will feel loved and cared for while you enjoy the worship service.


FUMC's active and vibrant youth ministry provides an environment for youth to learn, pray, serve, fellowship, develop friendships, and grow. With a focus on mission and serving others, our youth learn to live their faith.

Youth Bible Study meets at 10:00 am

Youth Fellowship is on Wednesdays 6-7:30 pm

Youth Ministry Director: Jayce Ginn


Music is a joyous expression of worship. We have a praise team, a chancel choir, and a chimes ensemble who provide special music and lead worship during our services. If you are interested in becoming part of the music ministry, we would love to have you. 

Praise Team Director: Jayce Ginn 

Organist & Music Director: 

Bethann Hamann Vidmar


Sack Lunch Ministry

We have a heart for the disadvantaged and homeless population in our community and believe we are called to minister to them. First UMC gives out a free sack lunch daily Monday-Thursday from 9:30 am to 11:30 am (or until the sack lunches run out) to our neighbors in need. We offer 25 pre-packed sack lunches daily. The lunch contains a canned meat, fruit cup, and crackers or cookies.

All items are individually wrapped.


Cold Night Shelter

First UMC, Grace United Methodist and St. Paul A.M.E. alternate in opening their doors for our homeless community when weather temperatures drop below 40 degrees (Fahrenheit). The doors open at 8:30 pm. Location is announced on the day of the event. The Cold Night Shelter hotline is (904) 819-4344.


We are passionate about prayer! "In everything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, make your requests made known to God..." We fervently believe in answered prayer, and we have a dedicated team of church members who gather to pray. If you would like to be part of our prayer ministry, call the church office at (904) 829-3459.



Our dedicated multimedia team plays an essential role in conveying the message of the church through various means - sound, recordings, videos, social media, and other forms of technnology. In doing so, they help to broaden the reach of God's Word to our visually-driven world. If you would like to join the multimedia team, call the church office at (904) 829-3459.

First UMC of St. Augustine


There are so many ways for you to get involved at First United Methodist! We would love to talk with you about your particular interests and spiritual gifts and how  you might use them to serve God and others. Please give us a call at (904) 829-3459.